At the launch of Windows 10 in July 2015, Microsoft has undertaken a major promotional campaign to offer its bone for free to users of Windows 7 and 8/8. 1.
This free update was valid for one year and, after that, it was still possible to do it through the microsoft site dedicated to assistive technologies, used for example by the visually impaired.
The editor has put an end to this operation but all is not lost if you still want to upgrade your Windows 7/8/8 machine.
1. To do this: 1 – download the support creation tool to install windows 10, you need an empty usb key of at least 8 GB. Download the support creation tool, plug the key and launch the mediacreationtool program. Exe from the file explorer.
2. create your installation usb key accept the terms of the license agreement, then click on create installation media and on the next button. Verify that the language and the version of windows ( 32 bits or 64 bits ) are the good ones.
- Download https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/windows10
- Link https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/
Click on the next button. Where do you want to install windows 10 on your pc?
To start, you must have a license to install windows 10. Then, you can download and run the support creation tool. For more information on how to use the tool, see the instructions below.
Step 2: start your pc from the usb key you created your windows 10? installation usb key.
Perfect! Now the goal is to launch the windows 10 installer that is on the usb key. To do this, you need to boot your computer from the windows 10 usb key far from booting on the system disk as usual. To boot your computer from the usb key, you must open the boot menu by pressing a key on your keyboard ( f11, f12, Esc… ) just after turning on the computer.
This key is different depending on the brand of your motherboard or your computer.